THE Home of Smart Manufacturing
June 2019 Newsletter
CESMII has a new look to match the energy and excitement building around our mission – to put the power of information and innovation at the fingertips of everyone who touches manufacturing. It’s no small feat we’re tasked with, and the road hasn’t always been smooth. But 2019 is proving to be different and to be readying us for bigger and better things together. Together we can make Smart Manufacturing a reality. 
What’s different? Check out our website.

CESMII Plays Prominent Role in
National ‘Dialogue on Smart Manufacturing’
On June 4
, CESMII, UCLA and the Council on Competitiveness hosted a daylong executive-level discussion entitled, “Smart Manufacturing – Leveraging the Democratization of Innovation” and broken into four key topics areas:
  • Building the Talent and Workforce for the Future
  • Challenges and Best Practices
  • Aligning Interests and Opportunities
  • U.S. Private and Public Investment in Enabling Smart Manufacturing
CESMII was active in attracting the invitation-only crowd and played an integral role in the dialogue. CEO John Dyck provided the lunchtime keynote, introducing CESMII and our vision and efforts to democratize Smart Manufacturing. Deloitte, ThinkIQ and Microsoft sponsored the event, helping facilitate discussions and ading additional domain expertise and experience.
The Council on Competitiveness captured the discussions and is preparing a white paper to deliver as a Congressional briefing document, which shows the value of Smart Manufacturing at the highest levels of the U.S. government.
Members play a vital role in shaping direction, programs and deliverables through active participation in CESMII Standing Committees. Qualified volunteers are being sought for a relaunch of:
  • Outreach Standing Committee, which is focused on Education & Workforce Development (EWD) strategy, programs and deliverables. Contact Mike Yost (
  • Business Processes Standing Committee, which centers on the performance and financial strategies needed to ensure the long-term sustainability of the institute. Contact Howard Goldberg (
Contact CESMII today and lend your voice to these important leadership bodies!
New CESMII Webinar Series –
6-Degrees of Smart Manufacturing
Join us as we engage the entire US Manufacturing ecosystem in regular discussions about what Smart Manufacturing is, what it isn’t, who’s finding value, who’s falling behind and anything else that is important to you. Mike Yost will host 20-minute webinars every-other-week to frame the dialogue with
The current theme asks,
“What Does Smart Manufacturing Look Like?”
and explores how people and organizations across the various dimensions of industry define Smart Manufacturing.
Join us for the first webinar featuring
and explore “What does Smart Manufacturing Look Like on a National Level?” Mark your calendars on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 11:30am Eastern/8:30am Pacific. 
Register today.
Ten (10) Roadmap Projects with $16,000,000 in public/private funding are released and kicking off. The projects represent the steel, oil and gas, aerospace, metal fabrication and cement industries, covering smart worker, discrete process AI/machine learning, data contextualization, additive/subtractive processes and workforce training. 
The next round of projects is coming soon and will be released via a dedicated email blast and content on our website – stay tuned!
CESMII is the United States’ national institute on Smart Manufacturing, entrusted to make one thing happen – make Smart Manufacturing a reality for everyone who touches American manufacturing. Our ecosystem is inclusive by design, and everyone has a role to play. Come find yours!
Free & Discounted Online Smart Manufacturing Training
At our CESMII 2019 Annual Meeting, we announced a strategic educational partnership with MESA International, which includes free and discounted access to MESA online courses for CESMII members. 
If you haven’t redeemed your free Smart Manufacturing online training courses, contact Renee An (
) today to get your online code and to learn how to get additional, discounted seats for your colleagues .
Many of you have received information about our new Membership Model, Application and other forms needed to renew your CESMII Membership. You will notice that we have revamped our membership model and Agreement, most notably stating UCLA as the signatory on all documents. CESMII High -level benefits are:
  • SIMPLIFIED – so anybody can read and understand it
  • IP Access model that works for all member stakeholders
  • Ensure a viable path to membership for all member stakeholders
  • Ensure viable business model for all member stakeholders
  • Ensure alignment with CESMII’s strategy and platform deliverables
  • Alignment with our Democratization strategy
  • Alignment with our Sustainability strategy
  • UCLA will be the named signatory on all CESMII agreements
Did you know that you can use your attendance at our Annual Meeting and associated travel expenses as Cost Share to unlock funding for CESMII?
As you know, CESMII represents a public-private funding partnership with the Department of Energy (DOE). Every $1 of in-kind contribution form members and non-members in support of CESMII van be matched by $1 of Federal funding. Capturing your time spent and the travel expenses (transportation, lodging, food) incurrd to attend our annual Meeting, for example, callows CESMII to fulfill its cost-share obligations and unlock more spending ot provide more value for our members! .
To realize the above, please take a few minutes to complete the
Cost Share form
. You will also find an
annotated sample
for your reference. For more information, please contact our membership coordinator, Renee An (
July 10, 2019
CESMII Webinar Series – 6

of Smart Manufacturing: “What Does Smart Manufacturing Look Like on a National Level?” with John Dyck, CEO CESMII
July 24, 2019
CESMII Webinar Series – 6

of Smart Manufacturing: “What Does Smart Manufacturing Look Like From a Technology Level?” with Haresh Malkani, CTO CESMII
10250 Constellation Boulevard, Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Advanced Manufacturing Office Award Number DE-EE0007613.
Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Niether the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of its employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness