Free Research Report on Autonomous Operations and an Informational Webinar

Autonomous Operations Report


Webinar – May 20, 2021 at 11:00 am EST

Autonomous plant and remote operations are two subjects that have generated strong interest due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Autonomy and remote operations are interrelated yet distinct initiatives that can help drive digital transformation and operational excellence.

According to a recent LNS Research* 41% of Leaders are accelerating autonomous plant initiatives because of the pandemic. 

While neither subject is a new concept, a manufacturer’s ability to make them a reality has changed with rapidly emerging disruptive digital technologies associated with Industrie 4.0 and IIoT. To help understand autonomy, let’s define it.

According to Watson & Scheidt (2005) autonomy is: “Systems that – without manual (human) intervention – can change their behavior in response to unanticipated events during operation.”

The key characteristics of autonomous systems are:

Self-controlling – more than automation, both controls and adapts

  • Self-managing – automates analysis, decisions, execution and maintains itself
  • Self-learning – improves over time, self-optimizes

To generate their recent report, LNS Research surveyed more than 300 respondents across the process, hybrid/batch, and discrete industries. The study revealed that most manufacturers aren’t considering autonomy for the sake of technology itself, instead the driver for adoption is a need to address business issues. Yet, of industrial transformation leaders surveyed, only 50% have an autonomous plant initiative formalized. For more survey insights, download your copy to the LNS Research Spotlight report.

In an expert-led session, Emerson Electric [a CESMII member] will discuss both remote operations and autonomy and share how to develop an automation plan to implement your vision.

Join Emerson on May 20, 2021 at 11:00 am EST via ON24

Register for the Webinar

In this webcast, discover:

  •  Drivers of autonomous and remote operations initiatives (safety and profitability)
    •    Potential barriers to success and next-gen technology to overcome
    •    What leaders can do to accelerate their autonomous maturity


*LNS Research recently conducted a survey of more than 300 respondents across several industries to examine Autonomy within plants and throughout the entire value chain. Download the Research Spotlight here.