The Smart Manufacturing Roadshow: Tennessee

The Smart Manufacturing Roadshow: Tennessee

The Tennessee Manufacturing Extension Partnership and TN Made are proud to partner with CESMII to bring their Smart Manufacturing Roadshow to Knoxville.

8:00: Light breakfast, registration, Tech Showcase
8:30: Welcome from UTK, TMEP and @TN-MADE
9:00: KEYNOTE: Smart Manufacturing – A Vision for US Manufacturing John Dyck CEO, CESMII
9:30: Developing a Smart Manufacturing Strategy
10:20: Smart Manufacturing in Action – Demos with Rob SchoenthalerThinkIQ
11:15: SPECIAL GUEST Sai Swaminathan, Assistant Professor, UTK College of Engineering, Inventor of Patented Edge Computing Smart Device
12:00: Lunch and Tech Showcase
12:45: Metrology with Zygo Corporation
1:20: Smart Manufacturing Education strategies, Jacky Larson, Tooling U-SME
2:00: Breakouts starting on the main stage: 5 minutes with exhibitors incl. TN-MADE and tours
2:00: Smart Manufacturing Solutions and Demonstrations with ThinkIQ
2:30: Smart Manufacturing Hands-on Training System with Amatrol

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