Prakashan Korambath, PH.D

Computational and Data Science Research Specialist, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


Prakashan Korambath graduated with a Ph.D in Chemistry from University of Memphis, Memphis, TN in 1993. Dr. Korambath served as a NSF post-doctoral fellow and a research associate at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH followed by a National Research Council (NRC) Fellowship at US Air Force Base, Kirtland AFB, NM.  Dr. Korambath was involved in the development of computational quantum chemistry software package Q-Chem.   Dr. Korambath also contributed software to other computational chemistry software packages such as GAMESS and MOPAC as part of his Ph. D. dissertation work. Before arriving United States, he worked as a scientific researcher in many research labs in India for six years.

Dr. Korambath took his current position at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2002 to build a high-performance computing cluster running Linux operating system to assist distributed computing for UCLA researchers. Dr. Korambath was one of the developers of UCLA Grid Portal software that interconnected many high-computing clusters in University of California campuses using Globus Grid Computing software from Argonne National Laboratory.

Since 2012, Dr. Korambath has been involved in the smart manufacturing research as a member of the initial research team that received the DOE Smart Manufacturing grant.  Dr. Korambath currently works with Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII) technical team. He is mainly involved in creating smart manufacturing profiles (Information Models) for various equipment used in CESMII sponsored projects.  Dr. Korambath also assist in the collection of data from sensors and transmission of data to the CESMII SM Platform and develop software as and when needed to facilitate the integration of Information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT). Other research interests of Dr. Korambath involves cloud computing, data driven machine learning model building, scientific workflows etc.  Dr. Korambath is also co-author of many published papers in scientific and engineering journals.